Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Outcome Donut Surprise

Lil' bro logic du jour:  "Mama, can we go to Donut Palace?"
Me: "It's Wednesday, we do that on Fridays."
Him: "But it's LIKE a Friday, because we don't have any more school."
Me:  "It's not Thursday.  Thursday is the last day of school."
Him:  "But we have brunch tomorrow and donuts would be too much with brunch."

Fine, so we went to Donut Palace on the Wednesday Friday.  *shakes head*  The logic was inescapable, and frankly once he's made up his mind, I can say "no" but some stuff isn't that big a deal, so I don't.

I also usually don't share outcomes of my imagined catastrophes, but this one is years in the making so it definitely should be shared.  His Special Education classification re-evaluation determination was yesterday.  There weren't any surprises for me, but I think there were a few for the evaluators.

Da Creature and da Teacher:  Happiness
He came out of their assessments with "severely autistic" and an IQ 123 composite (138 verbal, 106 non-verbal).  I've said all along that all he has going for him socially is that he is smart and smart has currency in the teenager social world which is barreling towards us at light speed.  Being weird is ONLY okay if you are also smart and generous with how you use it.  If you use it to make other peoples' lives in the system better, use it to win against vengeful teachers (and yes, there are those out there, and it sometimes comes in handy to be able to write down the 50 states in alphabetical order in under a minute) then occasionally, it is okay to be yourself and still be part of the group.

Not being allowed anywhere near the group because you are weird is one of the most painful things that can happen to a child.  Trust me.  Been there, witnessed that.

So, we are now still fighting to get him classified as gifted.  Should be easier with the IQ well within range, but there are bureaucratic hurdles still to assail.  Wish us luck.  The system is broken and the "fallin'-thru" cracks are wide.

In the meantime, we are getting ready for NOLA Time Fest.  If you are in the New Orleans area on June 29th, you should join us.  It will be super fun. 

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