Friday, May 17, 2013

Identity Deconstructionism--what 48 year old creative women do instead of buying red sports cars...

From an FB friend:  "What do you get when a blonde goes brunette?"   
Artificial Intelligence.  
Here's my favorite "before" picture (yes, there are layers in that statement which only the very clever will "get" and kudos to you).  I'm the doofus on the left with the silly grin on my face and the blonde hair.  I've been a blonde or red head all my unnatural life and it was fun and I understood it.

Here is yesterday's "after" picture, after several hours at the salon trying to change everything I've ever known about myself and what I should look like...have I ever mentioned that my hair does NOTHING that cosmetologists have come to expect hair to do when they put the same chemicals on it they put on everyone else's hair?

Not only is that new hair, it's also my cosplay for Mobicon, which starts tonight.  I am looking forward to being a lady.  A lady who is costumed in a manner which should evoke the character Captain Jack Harkness from Torchwood.  I've assembled as much of the costume as was practical and affordable and I cannot wait until I get to work the table at Krewe du Who in the morning.

Along for the ride and lots of fun are a friends' daughter who will help unload Dalek Eric, and of course, my darling Petit Four (see sidebar), sporting a few upgrades to his costume for the kids costume contest.  :)  Wish him luck and then high five him no matter the outcome!


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