Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Construction Adhesive is NOT Caulk...(and other lessons in humility)

When it happened, I told the kids we would NEVER speak of it again.

So, what do I do?!?

I write a blog post and publish it on the internet like a complete doofus.  It has been quite the week for working on my humility:  1) I have played in a Ruzzle League tournament; 2) bought the wrong product at Lowe's to attach slats to our Dalek; 3) waited around for said product to "dry" on a test strip;  and oh, yeah...4) left my car running and unlocked while we ate an ENTIRE lunch at a restaurant blissfully unaware of our peril.

Early onset Alzheimer's?  Probably not.

It's not that I'm too busy to notice details like "where are my keys?" or "did I turn the car off?" or "that silicone stuff isn't really sticking, what am I doing wrong?"  It's that I've been sort of distracted lately with the big life upheaval of not being a choir director anymore.

Oh, and the Ruzzle league kicked my butt.  I was good, in my seeded slot in group 11 (out of 12), but looking at the stats of the leaderboard people and watching them play in real time has been an awakening of sorts.  In order to actually be good at this stuff, I'd have to study.  A LOT.  Why on earth would I spend my time studying so I can beat people at a game on my cell phone?

Because, apparently, I am super competitive, unbeknownst to me.

Nope.  No more phone games for you, young lady.  Get yourself to confession, make a list of things of things to be done, do them, and for God's sake, TURN OFF YOUR CAR before going into lunch.  I cannot tell you how embarrassing and horrifying that moment of realization was, when we returned to our THANKFULLY STILL IN ITS PARKING PLACE car after our leisurely lunch.  I'm glad I had a full tank of gas.  I'm glad that car thieves were out doing other things, and I'm so glad my Guardian Angel was not on a coffee break.

Now THAT would have been a Catastrophe.  I would have won the Catastrophy.  But it is certainly funny, from a certain point of view.  Humility always is.  So I will laugh, and learn and move forward, delightedly driving a car I do not deserve.  (lol)

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