Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Well, that was unfortunate...

I have returned to the land of the living mostly now.

It has been an incredibly awful horrible no good very bad two weeks.

Catastrophizing took on a whole new level as I diligently applied it to every aspect of being sick...sure that death would follow, da Firstborn would have to return from her summer job to care for her little brother, leaving her invalid mother to suffer the indignities of Hospice...you know, the usual.  (eyeroll at self)

However much catastrophizing layered on top of my distress and discomfort, all's well that ends well and I am well-ish again.

Word of advice?  If you get a headache for ten days straight, it is important that you not stop paying attention to things like FLUID INTAKE and such because you can become dehydrated.  My only experience with dehydration has always been vomiting and diarrhea so I had ZERO understanding that dehydration when it occurs due to not taking in fluids can manifest itself in a whole other manner...  Guess what happens if you neither understand what is happening nor act quickly and decisively to avoid complications?!?  You get serious complications.  Ugh.  So I guess the topic of poop just loops around.  In your twenties, it's all about baby poop.  In your sixties and seventies, apparently talking about it is as important an activity as watching the weather channel.  I know WAY too many seniors, because my series of unfortunate events alluded to above then led to many many conversations which were, ahem,  awkward at best.

This explains those looks people gave us in our twenties when we were happily chirping away about the various colors and textures of stuff emanating from our baby's behinds.  It's weird to talk about folks.  Just weird.

However, if you are in your late forties, beware the fluid monster.  Danger lurks in your gut, and not knowing how dangerous a gut can be can lead to intelligent folk dying from bowel symptoms which should have been easily managed.  Don't be the tragedy.  Be the googlemaniac and figure it all out.

So, moving on... ba-doomp-cha, I will be all better soon and safe from those imagined catastrophes.

Life's really funny from a distance, and I have to laugh at myself.  If I don't, I get all sad and strange.

Tomorrow will be a happy hyppy post about Horses and da Creature.


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