Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Prison Mentality


If you have someone who does your laundry for you (*see college home visits and/or wealthy) be very very grateful.  I, for one, would rather do my own dental work than laundry.  That being said, I seem to have developed something of a prison mentality about the whole thing.  I'm not sure MacGyver would approve, seeing as my new de facto hobby doesn't blow anything up, but, it does amuse me. 

Because there is SO VERY MUCH laundry that accumulates around here, a while back I noticed the side effect of washing color-sorted loads was colored dryer lint.  Now, I know, I could make something useful like paper out of it, but why do that when I could just play with it while I am babysitting our washer which perennially seems to fail to understand it can spin WITHOUT all the dramatics if it really tries.

From humble beginnings... "Sqaushed Lint Angel" (done originally to confuse and bewilder my poor husband, which it did, because he squashed it a week after I just left it without comment on the dryer)

To my Doctor Who obsession moment... "Fezes are Fuzzy"

To this weekend's... "Pursed LInts"  (which lacked a true red component, handle not withstanding, because there weren't enough red clothes to justify the washer full of water so I had to just muddle through with all these blue clothes my family seems to NEED to acquire in life)

So, I'm thinking that maybe making various craftlike objects from dryer lint is a new low for me intellectually.  If anyone saw the Malcolm in the Middle espisodes where Lois is making pigs out of Clorox bottles, you get the idea.

Maybe I'll start the costuming projects as soon as da Firstborn leaves for da Employment.  Boredom and I do NOT get along well.



  1. There must be an art tour in there somewhere!

  2. *snicker* The sad sad fact of the matter is that if I did the paperwork, I probably COULD get one, especially since it's recycling art...


