Tuesday, September 1, 2015

How to Bury the Lede

Try a shovel.

For three years I was utterly miserable--near-vomiting-most-days miserable.  Doctors could find nothing they understood (though honestly they barely even tried), and so I lived off of zofran and when things got worse, zofran + xanax, because that's what they give chemo patients.  That sick.

Then, I spent six months in hell with the Hep C treatment, which made me more sick, had dangerous side effects (like fainting spells from anemia, more nausea, anxiety, and digestive problems that are best not discussed in polite company).  No, I've not done drugs.  No, I did not have illicit sex.  I had a blood transfusion at 11 years old...I'm DAMN lucky to be alive, and damn grateful for the cure.  However...

...I spent six additional months recovering from the six months of Hep C treatment, where all I wanted was to GET ON WITH MY LIFE by first losing the 50 pounds I gained through all of that yuck of the previous 3.5 years.  I wanted to exercise, too, but was warned off of that pretty quickly by my Hepatologist.  They know.  They just don't tell you that the damage done by Ribavirin to your bones, blood, and teeth, is significant and takes a LONG time to get past.

But get past it I have at long last.  Watch out world, here I come....

....and THAT is how you bury the lede.


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