Thursday, June 14, 2012

IT IS TIME and a request for a big FAVOR

Note:  you will notice there are new tabs on the bar above.  They will be useful once the trip starts.  We depart on Monday, June 18th.  

Time to make the final lists.

Time to breathe deeply and enjoy those last moments of simple comforts of home.

Time to start packing, and then unpacking, taking things out that are too heavy and not really needed, then packing again.

Time to buy the very last necessary bits I've put off or forgotten until now.

Time to ask for a favor from my friends---

Would you please help me find some nice people to read this little blog for 23 days?  Just for the trip so that da Creature sees that he is worthy, funny, and people really do exist outside the confines of his strange little mind?  You may join us over on that Google connect thing, or follow me on FB (link is here) where I'll post notices about new things as they come up, and I ask you to please share the web address for this blog with anyone, but especially with those who have special needs children and might enjoy tagging along on our adventure with us.

After the 23 days are done, and he has shared well and happily with the world, I plan to go back to my usual habits of not really blogging very often and would fully expect our trip followers to go back to their usual net habits too.

So, please to share?  Just for a little while?  Thank you all very much.  da Creature will be much more likely to engage the live humans in front of him if he can see that he has people who support him in his quiet safe internet world.


  1. Will follow & forward! da Creature will have a lot of fun & we'll enjoy engaging with ya'll :)
    Lots of love, hugs & prayers for a safe & fun trip!

  2. I'll follow and forward the link! He will be fine!

    1. Thank you all SO MUCH. He's so excited that there are people reading his stuff. I can't wait until he finds his voice in the little videos and reaches his entertaining stride with all this. He can be so funny, so genuine. Anything can happen, and often does. Thanks again! :)

  3. I'm herrrrrrrrrrreeee! Ok, I'm going to try and attempt to share the link with Mrs. Denham and Mrs. Young. I hope I know how to do it. I hope you have a blast! Take care!

    1. I'm so excited for all of you. I know it will be a great trip...Take lots of pictures and drive safe!
      Amy Young

  4. Hey Eric! I hope you are having a wonderful time. Be safe and have fun!! Ms. Amanda Sanders
