Saturday, May 23, 2020

Tales from Pandemia

When last I wrote, I knew something that most of my friends did not yet realize...

The world (all of it, everywhere) was about to change.  Violently, terrifyingly, and chaotically.

I could not have predicted how terrible our response in America would be.  But here we are.

My feelings right now are centered on my family.

Keeping them safe.

Keeping me safe for them.

Missing them because they are not here (we had a visit planned for everyone to come to Grammie's).

This is my blog post four months out from my awkward step back from society I took in late January/early February.  Sigh.  I truly wish I'd been wrong and crazy.  TRULY.

Anyway, here we are.

Yesterday I drove around having a minor nutty because I just couldn't take it anymore.  I think I'd have been willing to get out of the car and wander around IF THERE HAD BEEN ANYWHERE TO DO THAT.  Parking lots closed, businesses closed, streets full of people walking in circles with their dogs because what the hell else is there to DO??????

So, I'm safe.
My kids are safe.
But, man, am I tired of the same four walls and talking heads on Zoom.

If you want masks, I make masks out of my limited resources.  The octopus fabric is all gone.  So is the chemistry fabric.  But... new fabric can be had.  They have interfacing, so they are filtering some stuff.  Mostly. they are comfortable and I am pretty good at the pattern matching.  Hit me up if you want something made.  Mail me fabric if you want something specific made.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Driftwood, It Burns...

February 1, 2020

In world news...

...investment shares in fiddles have risen sharply as all the would-be Nero's of the modern era play the cheery but inevitable songs of chaos...

So, assimilating to life in Seattle has not gone as quickly or smoothly as I'd hoped.  A synopsis of the struggle, and a wry laugh at my own inefficient coping skills:

1.   Rural person faces giant urban tangle of social weeds and slippery slopes---

2.   Rural person very very slowly begins to branch out from barricaded apartment life---

3.   Rural Person becomes fledgling urbanite, beginning to explore a little, ride buses, make a few solid acquaintances, volunteer at Church, search for friends---

4.   Then, |random-people-at-large| become possible plague vectors and there is little reliable data (not enough time so far to really assess safety for people who are at risk) to confidently prove to me that all available humans in any given environment are not current potential plague vectors, and so...

5.   Rural person with chronic underlying conditions of DOOM decides it is perhaps best to wait and see what the science will reveal while I sanitize everything I have delivered, and every piece of clothing as it comes in the door.  Hand-washing is great, and masks may in fact be a thing at some point, but for now, for this rabbit, Imma be upstairs if you need me, waiting on more comprehensive science-based information, specifically- science that is not caught up in the clear rush to protect world markets.  

Call or text if you want/need me, and if I don't shake your hand, it's not personal.  YOU are probably a lovely person, but the hijacking pathogens all around us are dangerous for me, personally, so we can catch up on the hand shakes later.

Here are the places I get information, currently, and they are excellent:

Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security Email Updates
The CDC #2019nCoV Site
Univ of Minn CIDRAP
World Health Organization

So...  I guess we'll all just wash our hands and hope we're not the unlucky lottery winners of DOOM.

In the meantime, here are my cats, lounging around and being themselves...

Spot, in his "Cartoon Villain" persona
Odo, pretending he ISN'T eating ornaments

I'm Sexy and I KNOW it