Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Again... "Oh yeah, I have a BLOG"

Good morning 2017.

I'm a little late to this party, obviously, but you've been a bit of a bitch to me 2017, and I really don't appreciate it at all.

So.... here's the nutshell version:

  • I turned 52
  • da Creature turned 13
  • da Firstborn got married
  • da Firstborn is currently carrying the recursion equation wherein she will have a firstborn...
  • (A GIRL!!!!)
  • The school district oscillates between being a good thing and a giant, kraken-calling WTF
  • Life moves on
  • Pokemon Go is a world-wide skinner box of DOOM
  • The NSA is data mining your children, but everytime I point that out online, no one sees it, so...  this is how I'm going to make sure no ones sees THIS post either...  :P  I like to write the words though, in case there is a brief moment in which someone goes...  "wait, what?"
  • Houston did a lovely version of Gondoliers, the opera we've been waiting FOUR YEARS to see
  • Conventioning was exhausting, but worth it
  • I have a LOT of pictures that I've just sort of accumulated, and some are on the facebook page for Aspie Spice Cosplays
  • Comcast is incompetent, not evil
I'll try to make an effort to catch my blog up, but don't bet on it until Pensacon, which is gonna be a FANTASTIC experience.

In the meantime.... here is this picture that totally describes my prayer life, and the resulting life life that goes with it these days...